Want to run Facebook ads for your business without wasting your entire budget?

Steal the step-by-step process my agency has used to save photographers thousands of dollars in wasted advertising dollars.

In this no-fluff mini course, I'll teach you the exact settings to create your business account and how to set up your pixel so your account is ready to leverage the power of ads!

Hey, I'm Cory 👋 I've helped hundreds of photographers exactly where you are now...

You know runnings ads is a sustainable way to grow 💪 your business 🚀

But you ❌ don't know ❌ how to even set up your account!

Or WORSE... you've been running ads but in the last couple years & what used to work now FLOPS 😩

Been there, done that, bought the 👕

(BTWs... if your once-winning-ads are now-flopping-ads...

it's likely stemming from your pixel settings 🧐 I'll teach you how to set up the pixel PROPERLY!)

Over the years I've run ads for photographers and one thing rings true for every. single. client.

They don't have their accounts set up properly 🤪

We get on our first call together,

they grant me access to their Business Account and 💥

Every.Thing. is ScRewED uP 🤦‍♂️

We spend HOURS fixing it all. (And they waste hundreds of dollars paying me to fix it.) 💸 💸 💸

And honestly, that doesn't feel great. 💁🏼‍♂️

...that's why I created this essential mini course.

TL;DR You want to run Facebook ads?

You need this course.

Even if you've never touched the back end of the Facebook Business or Ads Manager 😱

(...or even know what the heck those are 🙈 Don't worry, I'll walk you through everything.)

This is perfect for you 👇

Trust me: You WANT to ditch fighting the organic algorithm…

no need to post 3 times a day when you can just run 1 ad that your ideal clients will ACTUALLY see! 👀

Yes, this is for you EVEN IF:

You don't know about the iOS updates 🤷‍♂️

❌ Or how those updates killed 90% of marketing strategies taught online and still effect ads today 😵‍💫

Don't worry, it's not your job to know. THAT'S MINE! And I'll teach you! 🙌

I’ll show you exactly how to set up your account for what works TODAY… not 5 years ago. 👍

If you have a couple hours to watch the step-by-step videos, you have more than enough time to get your accounts set up properly! 🙌 🙌

Download the Mini Course on this page and get instant access to:

  • My Facebook Pixel Cheat Sheet with copy-and-paste templates for your website

  • Up-to-date videos with the exact steps I take to make sure my clients’ business accounts are set up to run ads and get results

  • My favorite tool for troubleshooting landing pages

  • The four ways to set up the Meta Pixel (and which ones work best based on your business)

  • A step-by-step tutorial on how to connect your social media accounts to your ad account

    ...and more!

You've Got Q's,

I've Got A's!

Does this course include hands-on support or one-on-one coaching?

This course is DIY which means there is no coaching included. Honestly, it's just not sustainable for me to offer 1 on 1 support at this price.

I promise that this is SO valuable though and all the videos are up-to-date and walk you through everything so you can get your account set up properly.

Can I hire you to set up my account for me?

Yes! I highly recommend you try following the steps in this course first so you can save yourself some money 😉

Once you're inside the course, and you decide you'd rather hire me to set up your account for you, there is a link where you can book a paid call with me.

Can I hire you to run my ads for me?

Yes, I have options from $99/month. This is available to those who have purchased and implemented the steps in this mini course.

Basically, I am unable to run your ads if your account is not set up properly 😊

There is a link inside the course to purchase my done-for-you ads services.

Does this course teach me how to run ads?

No, this course teaches you how to set up your Meta Business Account and your Metal Pixel so you are ready to run ads.

Often times when photographers come to me saying their ads aren't working, it has to do with having the wrong settings.

In this course, I teach how to make sure your account is set up right so you can leverage the power of Meta's powerful ads algorithm.

This mini course is ESSENTIAL to anyone running Facebook ads because if you don't have your account set up properly, it will be hard to find success with running ads.

I have a question before I purchase. Can I message you?

Yes! I'm more than happy to answer your questions before you make your decision to purchase.

Send me a DM on Instagram @bookedwithoutburnout or email cory@bookedwithoutburnout.com and I can help you decide if this course is for you or another program would be a better fit.

What is the refund policy?

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we understand that sometimes things don't work out.

Please read this refund policy carefully before making a purchase.

Digital products such as courses and trainings are non-refundable. Once you purchase a digital product, you have instant access to the product, and it cannot be returned.

As such, we cannot offer refunds or exchanges for any digital products.

If you believe that you have been charged in error or have a problem with accessing your digital product, please contact us immediately at cory@bookedwithoutburnout.com. We will work with you to resolve any issues.

We appreciate your business and want you to be happy with your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Get the Mini Course & Transform Your Business Account Today!

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